Monday, May 30, 2011

Tailana Island

Pulau Tailana is one few islands that provides accommodation within the whole Pulau Banyak archipelago. Charlie who runs the Pulau Tailana bungalows will wait for guests the at the pier or port upon their arrival in Pulau Balai. Then, they already proceed together. In order to get to Pulau Tailana, Charlie arranges a speed boat (charter 150.000 Rp). This is the fastest and the only reliable option of getting to the island. The speed boat trip takes 1 hour at full speed.
from :

Bengkaru Island Aceh indonesia ( 1000 green turtles )

Banyak Islands are one sub districts in Aceh Singkil. To reach the island Bengkaru, everyone should go Singkil first. The journey from Medan can be reached by public transport about 8 hours. There is also Nusa Air Buana that provides flights to Singkil, but only 2 times a week, Saturday and Monday morning. And all visitors are required to confirm in advance to the Yayasan Pulau Banyak (YPB).
In 2006, Maggie Muurmans, a turtle expert from the Netherlands and Mahmud Bengkaru revive Island Foundation Many who had suspended animation by the tsunami and conflict in Aceh Darussalam earth. With a rake in a few new coworkers and supported NGO Yayasan Eko Lestari (YEL), based in Medan and Paneco-one NGO based in Switzerland, they reactivate turtle conservation and ecotourism activities on the island Bengkaru.

The goal is not to maintain and preserve the lives of green turtles netted on the verge of extinction due to fishing, trade in turtle eggs, the consuming turtle meat, and the people who make the turtle as a decoration / souvenir. Not to mention the human activities that throwing garbage into the sea like a cork or plastic that can cause death if eaten by hatchlings (young turtles).

To prevent the extinction tersebutlah, this organization provides counseling to the community, hold workshops, meetings with community leaders to make education programs in schools to preserve the natural resources around. In addition they also provide a place for local and international students to do research on the island as a volunteer.

Going to the island turtle conservation is chargeable as including conservation areas. The cost is usually per package. Included in this package 3 days 2 nights stay, eat 3 meals a day, and shuttle transportation. Opportunity 3 days 2 nights is given for a chance to do the turtle patrol at night.

Turtles are usually stopped at this island green turtle, but when in season, hawksbill and leatherback turtles, called 'turtle ancestors' are also often stop by. One remarkable luck when you get to see this leatherback turtles.

Typically, patrol performed after dinner, around 8 pm. Shoes, flashlight, and jackets are mandatory equipment was taken. And that should not be forgotten, snacks and drinking water of course. If you forget to bring it, guaranteed waiting time was longer because you can do there is wait and wait.

When I arrived at Turtle Beach / coast Amandangan any flashlight should be turned off, because the turtles are very sensitive to light. They can imprison his intention to stop by if you see the light from the shore. If you're lucky enough, we could see up to 5 of 7 green turtles turtle stopover. When in season (November to March) can be done in 2 shifts patrol until morning.

Here also gives officers the opportunity to tagging. This tag bearing the number to facilitate data collection when the turtle was returned to the beach Amandangan. Tagging also provides information on the lowest limit of the population. This information will help protect sea turtles. Besides given the tagging, the turtle is also recorded, the measured length of width, how many turtles that the transit to the beach, what he did, and the number of eggs. For leatherback turtles, micro chip diimplant for easier identification in other countries such as Madagascar and India disinggahinya.

A green sea turtles can reach lengths of 80-90 cm by 70-80 cm wide. Another case with leatherback turtles can reach lengths of nearly 2 meters. Turtle in 1 period (2 weeks) can be stopped at the beach 4 to 6 times. Not at every stopover these turtles lay eggs, usually only 2 times a stopover. Turtles lay eggs after age 25 years and can lay eggs once spawned 100-150 eggs. Of the many eggs that hatch, not all survive. Ordinary tail that lasted only 2-3.

Many factors that cause hatchlings, hatchlings can not survive. Factor by human hands, natural factors, such as monitor lizards that eat hatchlings when walking to the beach, crabs that kill on the outskirts of the coast, grouper and shark who became predators in the sea, and also natural factors be the cause. Well, this is the function of officer of YPB-keeping hatchlings hatchlings leading to the coast from attack lizards, hawks or crab.

Usually the hatchlings hatch in the morning. In this Bengkaru you can see the hatchlings, hatchlings out of the nest, running a race towards the open sea. Interestingly, children these turtles are wild turtles, not from captivity. It's incredible scenery.

Editor: FAZARIS Tanti

Lampuuk Beach The most Beautiful Places

The beach is quite beautiful and can be used as a place to swim, sunbathe on white sand, fishing, sailing, diving and other recreational activities. Lampuuk Beach is located on the west coast of Aceh. From Banda Aceh, approximately 17 km and can be reached by motor vehicle in less than 30 minutes. Unfortunately the beach is quite famous and a favorite tourist spots of Aceh's population is wiped Tsunami destroyed.

A. preliminary

Before the earthquake and tsunami December 26, 2004, Lampuuk Beach became one of the favorite tourist attraction in Aceh. Lush pine trees grow along the coast with wind gusts of fresh coast. There are many places to eat fresh fish vendors who are ready to be roasted and enjoyed by visitors directly coast.

Unlike after the tsunami, the beach looks deserted, less manicured and a lot of the uprooted pine trees affected by the tsunami. However, this beach is starting well again managed by the government. On weekends or public holidays many visitors who come for recreation. Special staff non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on international duty in Aceh, many of them relax by surfing and sailing. In addition, information required by the visitors is a forbidden zone for swimming activity, because the waves are too dangerous vortex.
Around the beach stands a majestic, Andalas cement factory that had suffered severe damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Near the beach also seen a white grand mosque - the only building left intact when the tsunami occurred in this region and has been established by local governments as a monument to the tsunami tragedy. The mosque is located a residential complex that was built after the tsunami the government of Turkey.

B. Privileges

Lampuuk very beautiful beach with white sand. On this beach the tourists can swim, sunbathing, fishing, sailing, surfing, diving and other recreational activities. In coastal areas there are Padang Golf Seulawah with panoramic ocean background. In the evening this beach was more beautiful and full of charm. Visitors can watch the beautiful sunset, thus providing an unforgettable pleasure.

C. Location

Lampuuk area located on the west coast of Aceh on the tip of Sumatra island. He was in Lhoknga district, Aceh Besar district. Location adjacent to the beach Lhoknga and can be taken through the Banda Aceh - Calang (Aceh Jaya).

D. Towards Access Locations

Distance of the beach location with the city of Banda Aceh, the capital city of Province approximately 20 km. From the City of Banda Aceh can be reached by private vehicle in less than 20 minutes. If taking public transit, which is labi-labi (angkot) majoring in Banda Aceh-Lhoknga taken approximately 35 minutes.

from: and

Weh Island the beautiful beach at Aceh Indonesia

Marine Nature Park Pulau Weh

Nature Park (TWA) Sea Pulau Weh is based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 928/Kpts/Um/12/1982 dated December 27, 1982 covering an area of ​​2600 Ha.

Geographically TWA Weh Island Marine is located at 0552 'North latitude and 9552' east longitude. While public administration including District Sukakarya, Sabang Municipality, Province Aceh and in terms of forest management including the Natural Resources Conservation Resort Iboih and get in on the Sub-Institute for Natural Resources Conservation Aceh Province.

In TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes and colors, all of which form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, among other areas of coral reefs with names lupas, deer corals, coral crackers.

In addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang can be found species of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and part of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. It also found the types of fish such as tuna economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan and others.

Nature tourism activities that can be done in Pulau Weh is TWA Sea tourist activities such as surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and diving under the water to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.

Some of the facilities to support tourism activities, among others: cottages around Iboih built by the community, shelters, toilets, mosque, souvenir kiosks and hotels located in Gapang. In addition there are various facilities located in Rubiah Island built by the Department of Tourism Dati I IN Aceh include: diving center is equipped with facilities (boats, scuba gear), praying, shelter, toilets, guard house, tower lookouts, trails, parks and electrical installations.

Wisata Indah Pantai Lampuuk , di Kecamatan Lhoknga, Aceh Besar

A. pendahuluan

Pantai ini cukup indah dan dapat digunakan sebagai tempat berenang, berjemur di pasir putih, memancing, berlayar, menyelam dan kegiatan rekreasi lainnya. Pantai Lampuuk terletak di pantai barat Aceh. Dari Banda Aceh kurang lebih 17 km dan dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan bermotor dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit. Sayangnya pantai yang cukup terkenal dan menjadi tempat wisata favorit penduduk Aceh tersebut musnah tersapu Tsunami.

Sebelum gempa bumi dan tsunami pada 26 Desember 2004, Pantai Lampuuk menjadi salah satu objek wisata favorit di Aceh. Rimbun pohon pinus tumbuh di sepanjang pantai dengan hembusan angin pantai segar. Ada banyak tempat untuk makan vendor ikan segar yang siap dipanggang dan dinikmati oleh pengunjung pantai langsung.

Tidak seperti setelah tsunami, pantai terlihat sepi, kurang terawat dan banyak yang menumbangkan pepohonan pinus yang terkena dampak tsunami. Namun, pantai ini mulai baik lagi dikelola oleh pemerintah. Pada akhir pekan atau hari libur banyak pengunjung yang datang untuk rekreasi. Staf Khusus organisasi non-pemerintah (LSM) internasional yang bertugas di Aceh, banyak dari mereka bersantai berselancar dan berlayar. Selain itu, informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengunjung merupakan zona terlarang untuk aktivitas berenang, karena pusaran gelombang yang terlalu berbahaya.
Sekitar pantai berdiri, megah pabrik semen Andalas yang telah mengalami kerusakan parah yang disebabkan oleh gempa dan tsunami. Dekat pantai juga terlihat sebuah masjid agung putih - satunya bangunan yang masih utuh ketika tsunami terjadi di wilayah ini dan telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah daerah sebagai monumen tragedi tsunami. Masjid ini terletak di sebuah kompleks perumahan yang dibangun setelah tsunami pemerintah Turki.

B. Keistimewaan

Lampuuk sangat indah pantai dengan pasir putih. Di pantai ini wisatawan dapat berenang, berjemur, memancing, berlayar, selancar, menyelam dan kegiatan rekreasi lainnya. Di daerah pantai terdapat Padang Golf Seulawah dengan latar belakang panorama laut. Pada malam hari pantai ini lebih indah dan penuh pesona. Pengunjung dapat menyaksikan matahari terbenam yang indah, sehingga memberikan suatu kenikmatan yang tak terlupakan.

C. Lokasi

daerah Lampuuk terletak di pantai barat Aceh di ujung pulau Sumatera. Dia berada di kabupaten Lhoknga, Aceh Besar kabupaten. Lokasi berdekatan dengan pantai Lhoknga dan dapat diambil melalui Banda Aceh - Calang (Aceh Jaya).

D. Akses Menuju Lokasi

Jarak lokasi pantai dengan kota Banda Aceh, ibu kota Provinsi sekitar 20 km. Dari Kota Banda Aceh dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan pribadi dalam waktu kurang dari 20 menit. Jika mengambil angkutan umum, yang Labi-Labi (angkot) jurusan Banda Aceh-Lhoknga ditempuh sekitar 35 menit.

sumber: dan

SABANG Indonesia

Sabang is a city located on the island called Pulau Weh, this means a separate island. The island is situated in the northern city of Banda Aceh with a distance of approximately 18 miles and can be reached within 2 hours by Ferry boat and 45 minutes by speedboat. In this area there are also many other small islands such as Rubiah Island , breeh island, etc.. Sabang has many attractions that can be visited and already well known to foreign countries. If we are heading west, until at the western end there is a monument / memorial, monument Kilometer Zero, the monument where the starting point of extensive calculations of Indonesia from Sabang Up Meuroke.
To achieve this monument we can travel overland by car, about 15 km away. Costs / fees are +/- Rp 50,000, - per person from the center city.

Before visit KM ZERO, many attractions that can be enjoyed Tourism Iboih ie, a distance of just 5 km from the town of Sabang. Here are also a lot that can be enjoyed such as fishing, white sand, clean atmosphere. Here are also available a variety of menu offerings of food, use boiled noodles shrimp, crab pake, pake eggs, and other kinds of seafood. From Iboih can also use the ferry boat chartered to view Rubiah Island Sightseeing,

with many decorations under the sea, coral reefs and colorful fish colorful also quite interesting. Boat takes about 2 hours to round the island. Rental cost per boat is only Rp 200 thousand dollars that can be climbed to 10 people. Rubiah island was uninhabited, but many tourists fishing because many reef fish such as grouper, large squid, and others.

before meet the Iboih and Rubiah Island, there are still Gapang Tourism which is only 4 km from the town of Sabang. This area also has attractions the beautiful white sand. Here are also available for rent Cottage, for rental hotels, depending on the species,


available at a price of Rp 150,000, - until Rp 300.000 .- You can enjoy a variety of dishes such as the Iboih. But the key here is where there is even a school Diving Diving. We can rent the tools needed for diving, the total per person only Rp 50.000, - you can dive as much, if thirsty provided so many young coconut juice and quite tasty.


Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh ( religious tourism )

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is a mosque located in downtown Banda Aceh. This mosque is a mosque used to be the Sultanate of Aceh.

When the Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873, this mosque was burned, then in 1875 the Dutch rebuilt a mosque instead.

This single domed mosque and can be completed on December 27, 1883. Next Mosque is being expanded to 3 dome in 1935. Last expanded again to 5 dome (1959-1968).

This mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia which has the form of a sweet, attractive carvings, a large yard and feels very cool if it was in the room mosque..........
from: Wikipidia

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee and Museum Ali Hasymi Aceh Indonesia

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee Abee Tanoh contained in the Village, at the foot of Mount Seulawah, Aceh Besar. Abee Tanoh Library is located at the boarding school complex Tanoh Abee, founded by the family glory Fairuz which climaxed during the leadership of Sheikh Abdul Wahab is known as Teungku Chik Tanoh Abee. He died in 1894 and was buried in Tanoh Abee.

Pengumpukan script (manuscript) Dayah Tanoh Abee has been started since Sheikh Abdul Rahim, the grandfather of Sheikh Abdul Wahab. The last manuscript written during the Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id, son of Sheikh Abdul Wahab who died in 1901 in Banda Aceh, in Dutch custody.

Museum Ali Hasymi

Mr Ali Hasymi is a former governor of Aceh and artist who has a personal collection of valuable and interesting. Now, by Mr. Ali Hasymi which serve as the collection and on display at the museum include the books by the scholars of Acehnese past, ancient ceramics, the typical weapon of Aceh, souvenirs from all over the world, and others.


Museum and a traditional Acehnese house, Aceh Indonesia

City of Banda Aceh has a State Museum located in a complex. Museum's main building in the form of a traditional Acehnese house, built in 1914 to Exhibition Venues in Hyderabad, which is then taken home to Banda Aceh in 1915 by Governor Van Swart (Netherlands), which became the Museum. Rumoh Aceh is a narrow fronted houses on stilts which carries within it the entire room is not insulated.

Today this museum environment has increased with new buildings that take the motives of Aceh as well as building construction cone-shaped Hall taken from the way that looks Acehnese rice wrapped with banana leaves, called "Bukulah". Bukulah among others served in the banquet-like feast Blang certain festivity, feast Birthday of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and so forth.

Museum's new exhibition space, has a 3-storey building, crammed with a collection of archaeological items are laid out well. One collection of this museum is the Great Bell-named "CakraDonya". This bell was a gift from the Kingdom of China long ago that was brought by Admiral Ceng Ho in 1414. Museum front porch has a distinctive shape which also showed wood carvings with motifs of Aceh. Many interesting things dimuseum adjacent to the hall of Governors of Aceh were so many schoolchildren who visit each day.

Dikompleks is once again found the tomb of the sultans of Aceh in the past. Tomb of the Sultan in general dinuat from Stone Mountain and decorated with beautiful Arabic Kaligraphi stunning, one of which is the Tomb of Sultan Iskandar Muda. (Café Chert)

Nature Tourism of Banda Aceh Indonesia

Atu Tingok,
Beautiful Takengon and the Sea of Fresh from the Top

Gayo Highlands of Central Aceh, known to many stores, especially around the panoramic beauty of Lake Laut Tawar. Of the many tourist attractions, only a few are already known and frequently visited. One area that has not been published is Tingok Atu, located in Kampung District Laut Tawar willow or parallel to the south side of Lake of Lut Tawar and the mainland city of Takengon.
Panorama Geureutee

This is the view of the sea views from Mount Geureutee.
Natural Singkil

Singkil is a county located in the southwestern tip of Indonesia's Aceh province. Singkil is a division of the South Aceh district and some areas are in the Gunung Leuser National Park area.

Waterfall Suhom

Aceh Besar - Some people enjoy the natural beauty of the location of the waterfall in the Village Suhom, Lhoong, Aceh Besar.
Hot Water Ie Suum

Aceh Besar - hot water attractions in the village of Ie Suum, Masjid Raya subdistrict, Aceh Besar, on Sunday (10 / 1).
Natural Aceh Jaya

Calang is the capital of Aceh Jaya district. The city was completely destroyed by the tsunami waves 2004.


Abou Aceh Indonesia Part 3

Community Structure

Based on the historical approach, the layer of the most prominent people of Aceh can be grouped in two classes, namely class and class umara scholars.

Umara can be interpreted as a government or government executive officers in one unit's territory, for example like the Sultan who is at the head office or the highest official in the royal government units, government units uleebalang as head of Nanggroe (land), Sagoe Commander (Panglima Sagi), which led the government unit Sagi, Head of Mukim who became head of government units or Geuchiek Keuchiek Mukim and who became head of the government unit Village (village). All of them or the officials mentioned above, the structure of governance in Aceh at the time formerly known as the layer of indigenous leaders, leaders of worldliness, or the secular elite.

While the class of scholars who become leaders in charge of religious matters (legal or Islamic law) is known as a religious leader or enter religious elite, therefore these scholars take care of things concerning religious, then they must be a man of knowledge, which in Aceh term called ureung Nyang Malem. Thus, certainly in accordance with the predicate / term scholars themselves, which means scientists or experts knowledge. The group or groups of scholars may be mentioned, namely:

1. Tengku Meunasah, who led the problems associated with the religious government in one unit Village (village).
2. Imum Mukim (Imam Mukim), which is in charge of the religious issue at government level mukim, which act as a priest at every Friday prayer at a mosque in the area concerned mukim.
3. Qadli (kadli), who had led the court deemed religious or menerti on religious law on job level and also at the level of Nanggroe called Kadli uleebalang.
4. Teungku-teungku, the manager of religious educational institutions such as Islamic boarding school and rangkang, also including his students. For those who are already quite high scientific level, referred to as Teungku Chiek.

In addition to the division of the two groups mentioned above, the most prominent in the Acehnese doeloe tempo, there are other layers such as laposan-Sayed, who holds habib group for men and Syarifah for women. Kelmpok is said to come from the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. So Sayed group is also a separate layer in Acehnese society.

Coating the Acehnese people can also be viewed in terms of property they own. For that purpose, then there tycoon class / rich people and ordinary people (ureung leue). In addition, the classification of all Acehnese people can be divided into four groups, namely the ruling class, composed of governmental authorities and civil servants; group of scholars, namely people who are knowledgeable in the field of religion; group of wealthy (those who pick the wealth), and group ordinary people.


Abaut Aceh

Khasanah Culture

At the time of first pregnancy of a wife, called Meutijeuem, up to 5 months pregnant at the time, by the parents of pregnant women was held a little feast, accompanied by sticky rice and summoned experts from the family of a pregnant wife. After experts from the wife's family gathered, the ceremony is held flush head (Rhah Ulee). The two men-two wives, with cold-setawarkan (Peusijuek) with rice paddy, which is done by mothers and family experts from women who are pregnant.

Furthermore, by the mothers of women who become pregnant are glutinous rice had been delivered to the elderly husband of a pregnant woman is, as a sign or in lieu membari news that his daughter had been in a state of 5 months pregnant.

By the mother (parents) the husband, glutinous rice received from the female parent (besannya) distributed to scholars pidak family of the husband, to declare that a woman has been pregnant daughter and 5 months, which is known by experts suapaya family.

Only after that, the parents of the husband and family experts to deliver food and fruit home-law who was pregnant, called Meunieum.

Ceremony meunieum have also done when a pregnant wife after 7 months. Food is brought by the parents of the husband is the Miss unto me that is white rice wrapped in banana leaf-shaped pyramid on the meals, bu leukat (glutinous rice) to peusunting meunantu who are pregnant, with Roast Chicken and Tumpou.

Fish dishes are cooked rice, cooked meat variety, Egg Chicken and Duck Eggs boiled, Jreuk and other dishes arranged in a layered hindang (hiding meulampoh).

Fruits are taken is all kinds of fruits available, including fruits for salad (seunicah) as much as one big basket.

There was also brought cakes (Peunajoh) wet and dry. The purpose of the traditional ceremonial purposes in the beginning is this Meunineum further strengthen the sense of brotherhood between the two parties (husband and wife) and further strengthen silaturrahmi separately within the same family expert. This brought the food to be distributed also to the relatives of the wife.


After the baby is born and after cleaning, then if the baby boy diazankan right ear and if babies are female diqamatkan left ear, which is done if the baby's father or by the relatives of a prominent religious oldest in the family.


According to our investigation to the old people, the ceremony was performed on day 7 after the baby is born, that is to taste the baby Honey Bees, Yellow Egg and Zam-zam water.

By the parents of the husband brought a set for the baby, which he (cloth) swing, he Geudong (cloth pads), baby, he tumpe (diapers), mattress, pillows and rope swing (rope swing). If among the rich there is also carrying a rope swing from gold.

It also provided sepersalinan clothing to the wife who just gave birth, which is given by the mother-in-law. On that day also held Akikah, ie slaughter a goat, shaving baby's hair and giving a name to the baby, with a ceremony peusijuek and distribution of rice-paddy and prayers survived.

PEUSIJUEK DAPU AND PEUTRON Aneuk (AT DAY 44 AFTER the child was born after the MADEUENG)

Ceremony peusijuek dapu (setawar cold and warmed the place) is done by parents and experts from the elderly husband's family, the parents of the husband edit the sticky to the daughter of women with money Teumeutuek and accompanied by sepersalinan clothing. If among the people of nobility, selaian the daughter in law, also given birth to those clothes (ladies in waiting) who participated medeueng parenting women after childbirth. Also on that same day a ceremony was held down the child view the first (Peutron Aneuk).


Children who have been outstanding for 44 days and reduced to view the first with a umbrella and the child's feet to the ground diinjakkan (peugiho tanoh).

At this ceremony the child is split over the head with a pedestal Coconut white cloth which is held by 4 people.

Coconut which has been cut, the next given to the husband and the parents again given to the parents of the wife, with the aim that both parties remain eternally in unity, harmonious peaceful, united and steadfast in the fraternity.

Subsequently held burning firecrackers (fireworks) and told the people that agile and skilled sword play demonstrate agility by chopping banana stem, so that the child would dare to defend the country in the face of warfare, and can become an agile War Commander and wise.

Furthermore, the child is placed into a hall in the courtyard, with the aim that the child can later adapt themselves to society and to become a leading person in the community. After the ceremony the boy then brought into the house with the first parent who brings gives Greetings and welcome greetings and prayers of blessing for the happiness of the child.

CHILD SURRENDER place Pengajian

After a 7-year-old child, the child's parents place dihantar by recitation (tutor), if the boy to place teaching the children of men, if a girl child to the study of women with female teachers. At the time of taking the child was taken along with tumpo yellow sticky rice and grilled chicken, banana Abin a comb, a white cloth six feet, a piece of cloth gloves, alms modest and Beureuteh (Rice Paddy roasted) mixed flowers. By Master mengaji distributed among food brought these children the Koran, so that there is a good cohesiveness and unity between the new child mengaji with older students.


Apostle Circumcision done after the child is aged between 10 to 13 years. The child was given a dress is seated on the aisle adapt dimaba peusijeuk events are held with setawar cold, rice with glutinous rice and dipesunting by the relatives of the father and mother and teumeuntuk (pemeberian) money by the relatives. There was also a teumeuntuk money from party guests who were invited to the child's parents, or the delivery of objects. Noble is also held among the procession of the child seated in a stretcher to the accompaniment of drum and fife. In this Apostle Circumcision ceremony held banquet feast, which for the people in power and for the Duke held a luxurious, almost like a marriage feast. Circumcision Ceremony conducted by Apostles mudim with the child were told to say two sentences Shahadah.


In a fight between the children, if there is bloodshed (rho blood), by the elders of the village continued to be held peace between both sides of parents of children who fight, to be required for those who hit dhirt to parents of children who bleed, which is required to bring a yellow sticky, tumpou, white cloth six feet, one copy clothes and money. Over the past have not healed, all the affairs of treatment borne by the parties who are not blood rho and confronted village elders on both sides of parents of the children's Greetings ceremony.

LEAD-WEDDING Engagements

If a boy who has grown about an arranged marriage with the daughter of someone, first sent a wise man speaks to megadakan affairs in an arranged marriage (meuselungoue), and the parents of girls. In the talks discussed the approval of an arranged marriage and dowry determination (dowry) and the determination of day brings the (bond).


On the day appointed by both parties then there came a group of elders from the male to the female parent with a betel amplifier bond (ranub kong haba), namely betel complete with his tools in Cerana, Talon banana (Banana King and Mandatory 1 trays), there is also the included cloth pocket. It also brought items 1 or 2 mas mayam provided by custom if this bond breaking caused by the men who decide, then the sign of the missing gold. But if bond breaking caused by the women, who decide, then sign mas must be returned with a double double. At this ceremony also determined the day and month of the holding of weddings and bride home (WOE Linto).


Three days before boarding the Bride (WOE Linto) first by the bridegroom (Linto) delivered to the bride (virgin baro) betel henna (Gaca Ranub), Ranub folding / Ranub Gapu 1 meals, 1 meals tools Dara clothing Baro-lat , 1 meals Breueh Pade, 1 boiled egg meals that are colorful, setawar cold, and leaves of henna (Gaca) to henna Dara Baro. At home Dara Baro Andam Koh events are held.

MAMPLEUE (Bride) WOE Linto

At the ceremony the bride was dressed Linto Indigenous and Dara dihantar home Baro rollicking, to be preceded by a wise old man, and Linto flanked by young children the same age. Inherited from the linto is Jeunamee (mahr or dowry) seumpama1 excrescence mas, filled in with Jinong Kunyet Cerana dab Rice Paddy. Cerana Yellow Silk wrapped in cloth that is placed at the end of the cloth of gold bohru, ranub rajeu 'or ranub peurakan, cakes (peunajoh) wajeb, meuseukat, dhoi-dhoi, bhoi, tho penajoh keukarah, Bungong Kayee and others. On the home page Dara Baro Linto entourage picked up (anticipated) by the parents of the linto given a greeting by the words that greeted bersanjak also with fine words bersanjak by Dara Baro. After that Linto brought up to the house, which when it arrives ditangga Linto disetawar-cold, with water spray roses and Rice Paddy. Arriving home on Linto with entourage placed on the porch, seated on a small bridal dais, where a banquet was held, and marriage consent Kabul. There are also marriages prior consent of Kabul this morning before the ceremony the bride. Also Linto then picked up (taken) to a large wedding for the Presidency with Dara Baro. Usually after biting, Linto the entourage returned to his parents' house.


Petujoh ceremony, which is home Linto Daro Baro with entourage of about 25 people. On the home page Daro Baro Coconut planting ceremony that dilakukam by Linto with Dara Baro. At the ceremony Peutujoh by mother held teumeutuek Dara Baro (grant) money to be accompanied sepersalinan Linto clothing. Granting of the parents Dara Baro, by Linto taken home to be considered the mother Linto. Furthermore, mothers may bring nget Linto peukayan seven and seven to Dara Baro.

Dara TUENG Baro

About a day-to-10 to 1 month, picked up by the mother Dara Baro Linto with ranub Batee and Gateng, Dara Baro Linto taken place. At home Linto ceremony, namely peusijeuk Dara Dara Baro and Baro Teumeutuek to that done by mothers and relatives Linto. Hand Linto and Dara Baro incorporated into the pond of rice and salt ponds, instead of telling me that this is his own house and know where the rice and salt to a deal in the future.

Inherited from Dara Baro is when to go home Linto Traditional pastries three meals consisting of wajeb, dodoi, meusekat and other pastries as well as ranub Bate, cakes Baro Daro was built, by the mother Linto distributed to relatives and neighbors. Next by parents party Linto awarded to Dara Baro something according to ability and unusual objects which female animals.

Thus approximately Adat Aceh, which can we describe to our knowledge and we can ask of the old people, with the hope that return corrected.


About BAnda Aceh Indonesia

Traditional Musical Instruments of BAnda Aceh


Serune Kalee is a traditional wind instrument which is a kind of Aceh Clarinet mainly found in areas of Pidie, North Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat. It is made of wood, the base of small and large at the edges like a funnel. At the base of the retaining lip discs are made of brass blowers called perise.

Serune has 7 pieces regulator tone holes. Additionally there are layers of brass and 10 ties of copper-called klah (ring) and serves as a security from the possibility of cracked / broken bodies such serune. This tool is usually used along clan Rapai drums in ceremonies and in the accompanying traditional dances.


Drum contained in almost all areas of Aceh. Drum serves as a traditional musical instrument, which together with brass instruments seurune kalee accompany every traditional dance in both traditional ceremonies and rites Other significant.

It is made of jackfruit wood, goat skin and rattan. Making drums is by punching holes in the form of jackfruit wood cylinder in such a way that resembles a drum body bambam. On the surface of the circle (left-right) mounted goat skin, which had previously been made from rattan rings with size just like the size of the drum circle.

As a means of reinforcing / wear leather strap surface fasteners are also made of leather. This strap connects the drum skin that right with the left. Bat (stick) drum was also made of wood at the end of section dibengkakkan who was beaten to the skin.


Rapai is a kind of traditional musical instrument of Aceh, as well as drums. Rapai made of hardwood (usually from stem jackfruit) and given that after the rounded hole in the middle. Wood that has been given a hole is called baloh. Baloh is larger at the top of the bottom. The upper part covered with goat skin while the bottom is left open. Clamp voltage regulator leather or leather made of leather wrapped rattan. (Brace is in the Acehnese language is called Sidak).

Rapai used as percussion instruments in the ceremonies associated with religious especially, marriage, birth and traditional games that whistle. Playing Rapai a way to hit her with his hands and usually played by the group (group). Leaders Meeting of the game called a sheik or kalipah.
