Thursday, May 26, 2011

Abaut Aceh

Khasanah Culture

At the time of first pregnancy of a wife, called Meutijeuem, up to 5 months pregnant at the time, by the parents of pregnant women was held a little feast, accompanied by sticky rice and summoned experts from the family of a pregnant wife. After experts from the wife's family gathered, the ceremony is held flush head (Rhah Ulee). The two men-two wives, with cold-setawarkan (Peusijuek) with rice paddy, which is done by mothers and family experts from women who are pregnant.

Furthermore, by the mothers of women who become pregnant are glutinous rice had been delivered to the elderly husband of a pregnant woman is, as a sign or in lieu membari news that his daughter had been in a state of 5 months pregnant.

By the mother (parents) the husband, glutinous rice received from the female parent (besannya) distributed to scholars pidak family of the husband, to declare that a woman has been pregnant daughter and 5 months, which is known by experts suapaya family.

Only after that, the parents of the husband and family experts to deliver food and fruit home-law who was pregnant, called Meunieum.

Ceremony meunieum have also done when a pregnant wife after 7 months. Food is brought by the parents of the husband is the Miss unto me that is white rice wrapped in banana leaf-shaped pyramid on the meals, bu leukat (glutinous rice) to peusunting meunantu who are pregnant, with Roast Chicken and Tumpou.

Fish dishes are cooked rice, cooked meat variety, Egg Chicken and Duck Eggs boiled, Jreuk and other dishes arranged in a layered hindang (hiding meulampoh).

Fruits are taken is all kinds of fruits available, including fruits for salad (seunicah) as much as one big basket.

There was also brought cakes (Peunajoh) wet and dry. The purpose of the traditional ceremonial purposes in the beginning is this Meunineum further strengthen the sense of brotherhood between the two parties (husband and wife) and further strengthen silaturrahmi separately within the same family expert. This brought the food to be distributed also to the relatives of the wife.


After the baby is born and after cleaning, then if the baby boy diazankan right ear and if babies are female diqamatkan left ear, which is done if the baby's father or by the relatives of a prominent religious oldest in the family.


According to our investigation to the old people, the ceremony was performed on day 7 after the baby is born, that is to taste the baby Honey Bees, Yellow Egg and Zam-zam water.

By the parents of the husband brought a set for the baby, which he (cloth) swing, he Geudong (cloth pads), baby, he tumpe (diapers), mattress, pillows and rope swing (rope swing). If among the rich there is also carrying a rope swing from gold.

It also provided sepersalinan clothing to the wife who just gave birth, which is given by the mother-in-law. On that day also held Akikah, ie slaughter a goat, shaving baby's hair and giving a name to the baby, with a ceremony peusijuek and distribution of rice-paddy and prayers survived.

PEUSIJUEK DAPU AND PEUTRON Aneuk (AT DAY 44 AFTER the child was born after the MADEUENG)

Ceremony peusijuek dapu (setawar cold and warmed the place) is done by parents and experts from the elderly husband's family, the parents of the husband edit the sticky to the daughter of women with money Teumeutuek and accompanied by sepersalinan clothing. If among the people of nobility, selaian the daughter in law, also given birth to those clothes (ladies in waiting) who participated medeueng parenting women after childbirth. Also on that same day a ceremony was held down the child view the first (Peutron Aneuk).


Children who have been outstanding for 44 days and reduced to view the first with a umbrella and the child's feet to the ground diinjakkan (peugiho tanoh).

At this ceremony the child is split over the head with a pedestal Coconut white cloth which is held by 4 people.

Coconut which has been cut, the next given to the husband and the parents again given to the parents of the wife, with the aim that both parties remain eternally in unity, harmonious peaceful, united and steadfast in the fraternity.

Subsequently held burning firecrackers (fireworks) and told the people that agile and skilled sword play demonstrate agility by chopping banana stem, so that the child would dare to defend the country in the face of warfare, and can become an agile War Commander and wise.

Furthermore, the child is placed into a hall in the courtyard, with the aim that the child can later adapt themselves to society and to become a leading person in the community. After the ceremony the boy then brought into the house with the first parent who brings gives Greetings and welcome greetings and prayers of blessing for the happiness of the child.

CHILD SURRENDER place Pengajian

After a 7-year-old child, the child's parents place dihantar by recitation (tutor), if the boy to place teaching the children of men, if a girl child to the study of women with female teachers. At the time of taking the child was taken along with tumpo yellow sticky rice and grilled chicken, banana Abin a comb, a white cloth six feet, a piece of cloth gloves, alms modest and Beureuteh (Rice Paddy roasted) mixed flowers. By Master mengaji distributed among food brought these children the Koran, so that there is a good cohesiveness and unity between the new child mengaji with older students.


Apostle Circumcision done after the child is aged between 10 to 13 years. The child was given a dress is seated on the aisle adapt dimaba peusijeuk events are held with setawar cold, rice with glutinous rice and dipesunting by the relatives of the father and mother and teumeuntuk (pemeberian) money by the relatives. There was also a teumeuntuk money from party guests who were invited to the child's parents, or the delivery of objects. Noble is also held among the procession of the child seated in a stretcher to the accompaniment of drum and fife. In this Apostle Circumcision ceremony held banquet feast, which for the people in power and for the Duke held a luxurious, almost like a marriage feast. Circumcision Ceremony conducted by Apostles mudim with the child were told to say two sentences Shahadah.


In a fight between the children, if there is bloodshed (rho blood), by the elders of the village continued to be held peace between both sides of parents of children who fight, to be required for those who hit dhirt to parents of children who bleed, which is required to bring a yellow sticky, tumpou, white cloth six feet, one copy clothes and money. Over the past have not healed, all the affairs of treatment borne by the parties who are not blood rho and confronted village elders on both sides of parents of the children's Greetings ceremony.

LEAD-WEDDING Engagements

If a boy who has grown about an arranged marriage with the daughter of someone, first sent a wise man speaks to megadakan affairs in an arranged marriage (meuselungoue), and the parents of girls. In the talks discussed the approval of an arranged marriage and dowry determination (dowry) and the determination of day brings the (bond).


On the day appointed by both parties then there came a group of elders from the male to the female parent with a betel amplifier bond (ranub kong haba), namely betel complete with his tools in Cerana, Talon banana (Banana King and Mandatory 1 trays), there is also the included cloth pocket. It also brought items 1 or 2 mas mayam provided by custom if this bond breaking caused by the men who decide, then the sign of the missing gold. But if bond breaking caused by the women, who decide, then sign mas must be returned with a double double. At this ceremony also determined the day and month of the holding of weddings and bride home (WOE Linto).


Three days before boarding the Bride (WOE Linto) first by the bridegroom (Linto) delivered to the bride (virgin baro) betel henna (Gaca Ranub), Ranub folding / Ranub Gapu 1 meals, 1 meals tools Dara clothing Baro-lat , 1 meals Breueh Pade, 1 boiled egg meals that are colorful, setawar cold, and leaves of henna (Gaca) to henna Dara Baro. At home Dara Baro Andam Koh events are held.

MAMPLEUE (Bride) WOE Linto

At the ceremony the bride was dressed Linto Indigenous and Dara dihantar home Baro rollicking, to be preceded by a wise old man, and Linto flanked by young children the same age. Inherited from the linto is Jeunamee (mahr or dowry) seumpama1 excrescence mas, filled in with Jinong Kunyet Cerana dab Rice Paddy. Cerana Yellow Silk wrapped in cloth that is placed at the end of the cloth of gold bohru, ranub rajeu 'or ranub peurakan, cakes (peunajoh) wajeb, meuseukat, dhoi-dhoi, bhoi, tho penajoh keukarah, Bungong Kayee and others. On the home page Dara Baro Linto entourage picked up (anticipated) by the parents of the linto given a greeting by the words that greeted bersanjak also with fine words bersanjak by Dara Baro. After that Linto brought up to the house, which when it arrives ditangga Linto disetawar-cold, with water spray roses and Rice Paddy. Arriving home on Linto with entourage placed on the porch, seated on a small bridal dais, where a banquet was held, and marriage consent Kabul. There are also marriages prior consent of Kabul this morning before the ceremony the bride. Also Linto then picked up (taken) to a large wedding for the Presidency with Dara Baro. Usually after biting, Linto the entourage returned to his parents' house.


Petujoh ceremony, which is home Linto Daro Baro with entourage of about 25 people. On the home page Daro Baro Coconut planting ceremony that dilakukam by Linto with Dara Baro. At the ceremony Peutujoh by mother held teumeutuek Dara Baro (grant) money to be accompanied sepersalinan Linto clothing. Granting of the parents Dara Baro, by Linto taken home to be considered the mother Linto. Furthermore, mothers may bring nget Linto peukayan seven and seven to Dara Baro.

Dara TUENG Baro

About a day-to-10 to 1 month, picked up by the mother Dara Baro Linto with ranub Batee and Gateng, Dara Baro Linto taken place. At home Linto ceremony, namely peusijeuk Dara Dara Baro and Baro Teumeutuek to that done by mothers and relatives Linto. Hand Linto and Dara Baro incorporated into the pond of rice and salt ponds, instead of telling me that this is his own house and know where the rice and salt to a deal in the future.

Inherited from Dara Baro is when to go home Linto Traditional pastries three meals consisting of wajeb, dodoi, meusekat and other pastries as well as ranub Bate, cakes Baro Daro was built, by the mother Linto distributed to relatives and neighbors. Next by parents party Linto awarded to Dara Baro something according to ability and unusual objects which female animals.

Thus approximately Adat Aceh, which can we describe to our knowledge and we can ask of the old people, with the hope that return corrected.


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