Thursday, May 26, 2011

Abou Aceh Indonesia Part 3

Community Structure

Based on the historical approach, the layer of the most prominent people of Aceh can be grouped in two classes, namely class and class umara scholars.

Umara can be interpreted as a government or government executive officers in one unit's territory, for example like the Sultan who is at the head office or the highest official in the royal government units, government units uleebalang as head of Nanggroe (land), Sagoe Commander (Panglima Sagi), which led the government unit Sagi, Head of Mukim who became head of government units or Geuchiek Keuchiek Mukim and who became head of the government unit Village (village). All of them or the officials mentioned above, the structure of governance in Aceh at the time formerly known as the layer of indigenous leaders, leaders of worldliness, or the secular elite.

While the class of scholars who become leaders in charge of religious matters (legal or Islamic law) is known as a religious leader or enter religious elite, therefore these scholars take care of things concerning religious, then they must be a man of knowledge, which in Aceh term called ureung Nyang Malem. Thus, certainly in accordance with the predicate / term scholars themselves, which means scientists or experts knowledge. The group or groups of scholars may be mentioned, namely:

1. Tengku Meunasah, who led the problems associated with the religious government in one unit Village (village).
2. Imum Mukim (Imam Mukim), which is in charge of the religious issue at government level mukim, which act as a priest at every Friday prayer at a mosque in the area concerned mukim.
3. Qadli (kadli), who had led the court deemed religious or menerti on religious law on job level and also at the level of Nanggroe called Kadli uleebalang.
4. Teungku-teungku, the manager of religious educational institutions such as Islamic boarding school and rangkang, also including his students. For those who are already quite high scientific level, referred to as Teungku Chiek.

In addition to the division of the two groups mentioned above, the most prominent in the Acehnese doeloe tempo, there are other layers such as laposan-Sayed, who holds habib group for men and Syarifah for women. Kelmpok is said to come from the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. So Sayed group is also a separate layer in Acehnese society.

Coating the Acehnese people can also be viewed in terms of property they own. For that purpose, then there tycoon class / rich people and ordinary people (ureung leue). In addition, the classification of all Acehnese people can be divided into four groups, namely the ruling class, composed of governmental authorities and civil servants; group of scholars, namely people who are knowledgeable in the field of religion; group of wealthy (those who pick the wealth), and group ordinary people.


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