Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee and Museum Ali Hasymi Aceh Indonesia

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee

Ancient Library Tanoh Abee Abee Tanoh contained in the Village, at the foot of Mount Seulawah, Aceh Besar. Abee Tanoh Library is located at the boarding school complex Tanoh Abee, founded by the family glory Fairuz which climaxed during the leadership of Sheikh Abdul Wahab is known as Teungku Chik Tanoh Abee. He died in 1894 and was buried in Tanoh Abee.

Pengumpukan script (manuscript) Dayah Tanoh Abee has been started since Sheikh Abdul Rahim, the grandfather of Sheikh Abdul Wahab. The last manuscript written during the Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id, son of Sheikh Abdul Wahab who died in 1901 in Banda Aceh, in Dutch custody.

Museum Ali Hasymi

Mr Ali Hasymi is a former governor of Aceh and artist who has a personal collection of valuable and interesting. Now, by Mr. Ali Hasymi which serve as the collection and on display at the museum include the books by the scholars of Acehnese past, ancient ceramics, the typical weapon of Aceh, souvenirs from all over the world, and others.


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