Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bukittinggi, Clock Tower, and Turis

BUKITTINGGI, - First, Bukittingi, West Sumatera (Sumatra), is one of the favorite tourist destinations for foreign tourists (tourists). Many tourists from Europe, mainly from the Netherlands, who visited the United Kingdom.
"Even before too many who settled here and married people. But since the reform, down drastically," said Adriansyah, superintendent Japanese hole in the canyon Sianok to on Wednesday (06/08/2011).
Adriansyah said that security issues be the cause of the decline of foreign tourists visit.
Meanwhile, Mayor Ismet Bukittingi Amzis said the decline occurred not only foreign tourists in Bukittinggi.
"The decline in foreign tourists occurred in all regions. The issue of safety is also seeping into the United Kingdom. Had there issues a bomb, but here is safe," he said when met at the Library of Bung Hatta at dinner after Stage 3 Pariaman-Bukittinggi on the international cycling arena Day Festival 2011.
Ismet said it was mengenjot to the level of foreign tourist arrivals increased by organizing cultural events. For example, continued Ismet, in Kampung China, located at Jalan A Yani has started bustling again.
"There are many cafes, perfect for culinary tourism. Tourists from Europe began to come. But the bustling from Malaysia," he said.
The main icon is the Clock Tower Bukittinggi travel. In addition to the Clock Tower, tourists used to visit the canyon Sianok and Home Birth Bung Hatta.
TDS lasts 6 to 12 June 2011 which combines sport and tourism. TDS 2011 to race seven stages with a total distance of 739.3 km. The route through which is full of unique attractions of each region. In addition, cultural and culinary West Sumatra were also introduced to the participants TDS.
Counties and cities involved, among others, the City Government of Padang, Pariaman city, Padang Pariaman district, Agam District, City of Bukittinggi, Sawahlunto, Solok, Solok, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Tanah Datar, and the District Fifty Cities.
This event has become the official agenda of the annual World Bicycle Racing Organization (Union Cycliste Internationale) in collaboration with the Executive Board of the Institute of Sport Bike Indonesia (PB ISSI), local governments, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

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