Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pariaman Rely on Nature, Art and Culture

PARIAMAN, - Many areas that rely on nature as a potential tourism. Pariaman District did not just rely on nature, but also arts and culture.
We have also the beach. However, the tourism potential of cultural arts Pariaman.
- Ali Mukhni

"We have also the beaches. However, the tourism potential of arts and culture in Padang Pariaman. Art culture for tourism," said Regent Pariaman, Ali Mukhni to convivial evening at the event after Stage 2 Padang Pariaman, Tuesday (7 / 6 / 2011).

In the event, Ali was awarded builder of culture as art, culture, and tourism areas of the National Culture Institute Indonesia (LKNI).

Chairman LKNI, Totok Sudaryoto said the award is not solely for the regents only. "This is for the community and also to continue to develop arts and culture Pariaman," said Totok.

He added that the award was based on observations from various mass media and information and public input, artists, and cultural.

Totok said several parties had ever awarded, among others, the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX, Governor of South Kalimantan, South Sumatra Governor, Mayor of Denpasar, Gianyar Regent, Regent Kerinci, Pekanbaru Mayor, and Governor of North Maluku.

One of the unique traditional arts of Regency Dance Plate Pariaman is that dancers dance on the glass. Ali explains the dance only in the Padang Pariaman. Before the dance was not arbitrary, according to Ali, there are certain prayers that offered the Prayer of Solomon.

On the same occasion, Dance Dish with glass shards that had staged in front of audiences. This dance was, continued Ali, is a hereditary tradition. One of the things that kept the authenticity of the dance is a simple dress dancer. Even so, the dance featured the audience was able to invite admiration.

"Art is a rabab other kind of coconut shell fiddle. Ordinary Nagari Alek appeared on the show, a sort of party of the people," he said.

There is also a typical musical instrument Kasa Drum and Dance waves that danced to welcome the guests.

"Dancing Waves built directly from the studio in the district of Padang Pariaman has appeared at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta in the presence of the President. If Dance Dish with shards of glass a few times a gig in Singapore, there has been very well known," he said.

If there are tourists who want to watch a typical art Pariaman, Ali advised to come to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Padang Pariaman district.

"Then we can show at the hotel where to stay or direct tourists to the area where the studio. There are villages if you want to be shown directly over there. It could also be shown hall government," he explained.

Some art is typical of Pariaman was shown shortly after the announcement of the winner Etape 2. Ali hopes to Pacipic fourth, all participants can stay in Padang Pariaman.

"Now just athletes and some of the committee who stay. Hopefully will all stay in Padang Pariaman, so no more back and forth between the (city) Padang (district) Pariaman," he said.

TDS lasts 6 to 12 June 2011 which combines sport and tourism. TDS 2011 to race seven stages with a total distance of 739.3 km. The route through which is full of unique attractions of each region. In addition, cultural and culinary West Sumatra were also introduced to the participants TDS.

Counties and cities involved, among others, the City Government of Padang, Pariaman city, Padang Pariaman district, Agam District, City of Bukittinggi, Sawahlunto, Solok, Solok, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Tanah Datar, and the District Fifty Cities.

This event has become the official agenda of the annual World Bicycle Racing Organization (Union Cycliste Internationale) organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in collaboration with the Executive Board of the Institute of Sport Bike Indonesia (PB ISSI) and local governments.

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