Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hong Kong, Prima Donna Tourists - Who does not know Hong Kong? Hong Kong known for its unique culture and life. With an area of ​​only about 1,000 square kilometers and a population of around 7 million people, Hong Kong became one of the countries with the highest population densities in the world. Land availability is very limited, making the Hong Kong government is very efficient in utilizing the land, so that eventually Hong Kong featuring views of the metropolis that is very distinctive and attractive, no wonder Hong Kong is able to attract many tourists flock to this island nation every year.

Hong Kong handed over to China by the British government in 1997, after nearly 100 years of British rule there. The combination of Western and Eastern cultures the life of the community of Hong Kong in all aspects, it is not surprising because people still preserve Chinese culture and traditions they hold. Hong Kong, the city of islands within 4.5 hours air travel from Jakarta is indeed unique and distinctive appeal of the extraordinary, so it is necessary to enjoy the best possible preparation.

Geographically, Hong Kong is located in the southern plains of China adjacent to the South China Sea. With an area of ​​1104 square kilometers, Hong Kong includes Hong Kong Island or the Island, Kowloon area separated by a strait with the Kowloon Island, Sai Kung, New Territories, Lantau Island and 260 other islands in the vicinity.

Hong Kong's population density is high, ie 6300 people per square kilometer, the highest density located in the Kowloon area. Hong Kong's total population is currently about 7 million inhabitants (95 percent of ethnic Chinese, 5 percent of South Asia such as Filipino, Indonesia, Japan and Europe).

In the north, adjacent to Hong Kong Mainland China (Shenzhen) and on the south by the South China Sea. Hong Kong's population 95 percent are from ethnic Chinese and the rest are foreigners from various countries. The official language used is English, Hokkien and Putonghua. English is widely used in government, international legal and business documents, while in everyday conversation people use more language and Putonghua Hokkien. Although Hong Kong is under the control of the United Kingdom for nearly 100 years, the use of English in everyday conversation is very rarely done, especially by the elderly.

Hong Kong's subtropical climate, with fairly extreme differences in weather, air temperature can be below 10 degrees Celsius in winter and more than 31 degrees Celsius in the summer. Recorded a record minimum temperature of 0 degrees Celsius in January and maximum temperatures of 36 degrees Celsius in August. Ninety percent of the rain falls between April and September. Humidity averages about 75 percent. June to August is the month with the highest temperatures, while December to February is the month with the average lowest temperature.

Rain fell most of the year with the highest rainfall in the summer between June and August. Often between the months of July through September, the Hong Kong hit by a hurricane (Hurricane) is very large, the whole community was warned by typhoon signals, Signal 1: The Cyclone is 800 miles from Hong Kong, Signal 3: Hurricane on the way to Hong Kong, Signal 8: should stay at the hotel, very dangerous hurricane.

Visiting Time

Hong Kong has the +1 hour time difference with GMT or +8 hours to GMT. When visiting Hong can be done throughout the year, although statistically the most traffic between May and September. In the summer (June-September) temperatures can get very hot, while in December-February temperatures can reach the lowest point. But for Indonesia summer is the perfect time to visit, because it coincides with school holidays. In certain months, such as during the New Year, Lunar and Match Rugby hotels raise rates, because the number of visitors increased.

Throughout the year tourists visited Hong Kong from around the world. In 2010 the number of tourists who visit 32 million people, up 5 percent over the previous year. The occupancy rate of hotels throughout Hong Kong reached an average of 85 percent with room rates ranging from 180 Hong Kong dollars for a single room per night. (Budi Sulis)

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