Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pariaman beach, Casuarina, and Beruk - Pine trees lined up like a beautiful postcard series of European countries. An alien landscape, a blend of azure with pine trees. Unlike in most coastal areas overgrown with palm trees, a few beaches in the City of Pariaman, West Sumatra, even overgrown with pine trees.

Local governments are deliberately planted pine trees on the beaches are. These pine trees began to be planted in the era of the 80s. There are three beaches that are excellent city. Kata Beach, Beach Mirror, and Gandoriah Coast beaches are a favorite of tourists. It took about two hours from Padang to get to these beaches.

The waves are calm location suitable for swimming. Practically no white sand. The color is more directed to the black sand. In the sting when the sun, the sand like crystals. Salt content in the sunlight, shimmering like a jewel. Vines adorn the sand. In addition to pine, the area Pariaman many coconut trees. Therefore, one of the typical attractions Pariaman is "baruak mamanjek karambia". Coconuts are picked by a monkey who is very skilled at climbing and pick coconuts.

Kata beach pine trees grow so thick in the area of ​​Kata Beach. If you pass this coast to coast Mirror, from the vehicle you will see a row of pine trees with sea background. So beautiful as if takes you to another dimension. According to local residents said, compared with the Mirror and Beach Gandoriah Beach, Kata Beach pine trees are relatively young. So there is still much to be found on the beach.

Coast Cypress Mirror Mirror Mini or abbreviated with. In the area of ​​Beach Mirror, pine trees still rule. But the pine trees in this area he was already older than the Kata Beach. As a result some of the pine felled fearing a collapse of time. Some traders selling various foods and beverages in around the beach. Most of the kiosks in the beach sand. In contrast to the kiosk at the beach Gandoriah separated by a road. A few fishing boats moored at Coast Mirror.

Navigate Gandoriah coast trek north from the coast and meet with Coast Gandoriah Cemin. Just like in the Mirror Beach, a few traders stalls lined up facing the beach. Visitors can choose to eat and drink in cafes or on chairs placed in the beach area. Do not forget to enjoy the panorama of the beach while eating a variety of fried snacks. Hawkers offer a variety of snacks will round fried snacks. Call it the shrimp dibalur flour and fried. But unique was the young crab fried flour.

Of the three beaches, visitors can see the islands across the sea. Some of the hands of the island is the Island, Edge Island, Island Kaseik, Anso Island, and Island Gosong. Some are uninhabited island. While the island is inhabited islands Anso famous with a mosque in the center of the island. From Coast Gandoriah, the mosque can be seen even though only a speck. Some locals said during the fasting month and Idul Fitri, Anso crowded island. The presence of the mosque was indeed able to attract people to worship there.

While much coveted Gosong Island fishermen. One is Bustam. He said the island Gosong numerous turtle eggs. Indeed, several such areas in West Sumatra in Padang and Pariaman, a lot of selling of turtle eggs culinary. On the one hand, the food is part of tourism. On the other hand, the concern becomes endangered sea turtles became louder for environmental issues. Spruce-fir on the beaches of Pariaman was planted not without purpose. Environmental issues be the reason. Besides the beauty, function fir trees for reforestation and prevent coastal erosion.

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