Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Protect Whale Sharks in Paradise Bay

MANOKWARI, - The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the waters Kwatisore, Nabire, Papua, should be preserved to categorize as a protected animal. The government should not be late to anticipate the extinction of whale sharks are seen year round at Paradise Bay National Park.

According to the Head of Central Park Paradise Bay (TNTC) Djati Witjaksono Hadi, whale sharks or so-called star gurano by local communities, including water animals that are only found in the waters of Papua, the Philippines, Australia, and South Africa. Sharks are some times seen in Sabang, and Madura Strait, but not throughout the year.

"These sharks migrate to find a place to eat and lay eggs. However, in the waters Kwatisore, Nabire, for three years we watched, the whale shark is always visible. Unlike in Australia are only visible during the summer," said Djati, Tuesday (9 / 8 / 2011).

Whale sharks are thought to exist since 60 million years ago. He was able to live to 150 years with a length of up to 14 meters. Shark shark nicknamed stupid, because benign and not aggressive, entering childbearing age in the age of 30. Reproduction is relatively slow compared with other fish. TNTC noted, in 2011, there are about 40 whale sharks in the waters of Paradise Bay.

The government needs to increase the protection status of the whale shark. Currently, the protection refers only to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Resources that the whale sharks are vulnerable animals.

Government of Indonesia, said Djati, must list the whale shark as a protected species and the inclusion in the Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 concerning the Preservation of Plants and Animals. "It is currently being discussed at the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, and waiting for scientific tests LIPI," said Djati.

Whale sharks are the main food of fish and plankton castle. Unlike other sharks that have teeth sharp, sharks have teeth only at the end of the lips smooth. He sucked the sea water and capture small fish intake.

The presence of whale sharks throughout the year is an opportunity for the tourism sector in Papua. In Kwatisore, the sharks are swimming around the fish fishermen's chart. Castle by throwing fish, whale sharks up to the surface water. As in Australia, tourists will have to wait a certain time and whale sharks were herded first so he could watch.

Djati hope people are empowered and enjoy the benefits of whale sharks. Attractions offered to tourists are diving and snorkeling to enjoy the beauty of the whale sharks while feeding. (ENT)

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