Sunday, September 11, 2011

The beauty tourist place sundak beach in south mountain yogyakarta, Indonesia

This is our first experience of visiting the beach Sundak, beautiful beaches have a variety of views that remedy, to be seen, when we visit there our heart felt happy and very satisfied, if you have time for a vacation and come to Indonesia a country that has so many tourist attractions, we are sure you will not regret enjoying the scenery in Indonesia. if you have reached this Sundak beach you will be spoiled by the scenery as you’ve never felt in the east there is a cave formed of rocks about 12 meters altitude. Entering the cave, will be found natural wells where people get fresh water.
There is a unique natural phenomenon Sundak beach which eventually became the starting point of naming this beach. If the rainy season arrives, many of the inland water flowing toward the ocean. As a result, the plain on the east coast divide to form a shape like a river. Water that flows like the splitting of sand. When drought comes, parts of it disappear and come along with sea water carrying sand. Natural phenomenon is what causes the name of a sand beach which split.

The name change took place some decades later. Around the year 1976, there is an interesting event. One afternoon, a dog was running around in coastal areas and entered the cave coral met a sea urchin. Because the hungry, the dog tried to eat the sea urchin escape but the sea urchin. There was a fight that ultimately won the dog managed to eat half of the body with sea urchin and out of the cave with pride. The act known to the owner of the dog, named Arjasangku, saw half of the sea urchin’s body in a dog’s mouth. Checking into the cave, it turns out the owner found the body of sea urchin and a half remaining. Well, since then, the name changed to Sundak sand beach which split, abbreviation of dogs and hedgehogs.

the fight was a blessing for locals. After decades of water shortages, residents finally found a spring. Initially, the wonder dog owner that his dog out of the cave with dripping wet. The hypothesis, in the cave there is water and the dog had drowned while chasing porcupines. After some investigations, the prediction turned true. Be present, the water in a cave used for thepurposes of life . From inside the cave, now installed pipes for connecting with people. The findings of this spring treat disappointment because of the well established residents were inundated by sea water.

Sundak beach also offers a pleasant atmosphere of the night. You can enjoy the evening breeze and view while ordering raw fish to be grilled out with friends. you can also order that has been cooked, so be ready to eat. you do not need to be confused to find a place to stay. Visitors can sleep anywhere, you can also spend the night dipenginapan is located not far from the beach Sundak.

if you want to know more about the history Sundak beach, you can directly interact with the population could be an enlightenment. You can find out how people live, their culture, and of course the new people who might be able to change your outlook on life. Talking with them makes you not just witnessed the historical evidence but also get stories from people who witnessed how history is created. how? you definitely curious is not it? visit these tourist attractions that can make you and your family happy.

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