Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So Majapahit Travel Site History

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Parks Development Majapahit currently in process will be accelerated by the government. Acceleration is related to activities with the preservation Trowulan sites in East Java. Later, the park will be managed in a park Majapahit history and cultural tours.

"The spirit of the government to the site as a heritage Trowulan Majapahit, a powerful empire that brings the spirit of unity to build," said Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik on the show "The signing of a Memorandum of Conservation and Development Park Majapahit Majapahit "House Sapta Enchantment, Jakarta, Monday (19/09/2011).

Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Minister of Culture, East Java Governor Soekarwo, Regent Mustofa Kamal Pasha Mojokerto, Jombang and Regent Suyanto. This marked the formal agreement of cooperation between the central government, represented by Kemenbudpar and local government to preserve Trowulan site within one year ahead.

The presence of Jombang and Mojokerto Regency Regents of the signing of a memorandum of understanding, because the site is in two areas Trowulan district. Half the site is situated in Jombang, while the other half are located in Mojokerto regency.

Trowulan is an archaeological site from the Majapahit period and evolved since the 13th century to the 15th century. At sites 11 times 11 km wide, there are many remains that have been monumental and character artefaktual.

In the field of activity is also present in rural communities around the form of art, culture and crafts. This potential can be developed into a tourist village to complement the park has to offer history tours Majapahit. Jero said the laws relating to cultural heritage and use the government tried to build a site for the common good.

"The scale of these sites make it our heritage, but the lives of the people will maintain and preserve. Not only that, we try to approach through local governments to the community to invite to help cultural attractions and Trowulan maintain , "he said.

Meanwhile, the governor of East Java Majapahit Park Soekarwo hope already inaugurated by the end of 2013. Majapahit Park Development is expected to be a center of learning, particularly in the values ​​of the nation wisdom Indonesia in the past.

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