Monday, September 19, 2011

White Sand, Fish, Chicken Feathers in Riung

(10) of white sand, fish, and chicken feathers in the Islands Riung, Flores - Arrive at Riung night, had made us hesitate. Is this really one of the resorts is a mainstay in Ngada, Flores? Darkness, and only 1-2 people passing by, far from my expectation that this is a tourist town. There were no large buildings, but only a few houses and coconut plantations, and only one bank branch by writing Riung, who assured us had reached the city Riung.

Without much difficulty, we found an inn that suits our desires. Apparently, Riung city is experiencing power outages due to substation that has been damaged PLN for 1 week. Thus, it is enough to explain why the city was so dark, and people's homes use candles as lighting. Somewhat unfortunate, when one of the mainstay tourist district, suffered electrical damage such as this, and had to wait more than a week to repair.

Had I asked the innkeeper, where white sand beaches that I saw in the brochure Ngada? Is it close to the inn? Apparently the beach and the famous snorkeling spot, can only be achieved by renting a boat. 9 am central Indonesian time, without a long wait, we went directly to the wooden pier not far from the inn, and went up on a small wooden boat with an engine that would take us island hopping.

The island with thousands of bats

It only takes 15 minutes, the boat slowed, and we arrived at the first stop, Kalong Island. Ship is not docked to the beach because the sea water was still receding. The clear waters around islands and shallow we could have just passed by on foot. But a narrow time and several sightings urchins discouraged me. The sound of bats began to sound, and the more clear when the boat engine switched off.

Sure enough when I turned away, looking from a distance hedge trees are black who turned out to hundreds or perhaps thousands of bats hanging. As realized by our presence, they were flying in rhythm to move from one side of the island, to the other. Our guide also said, "We are very lucky to see bats, bats are still active in broad daylight".

Once satisfied to take photos and record the scene in his head, we continued our journey to the best snorkeling spot in this tourist area. Sea we passed more and more shallow, and began to look essentially from the ship. I always admire the scenery during the trip cross-Flores. So easy to find sand and blue sea with views toska seabed.

Buy fish directly from fishermen on the sea.

Along the way, the ship approached a fisherman who was fishing, with the intention of buying fish that he caught for our lunch. It turns out the fish that fishermen catch is reef fish with a very large size. Just like the fish caught by anglers on television professionals with the tools of complexity. While the father of this fishing using only a piece of nylon and feathers as bait. We had pictures taken a little like a professional angler with the fish he was, then choose the best fish for our big baked the traditional way on the island.

At this point snorkeling is, without a long wait I immediately tasted the snorkeling on the island Riung 17. Although the depth of 5 meters, but the seabed is obvious. colorful coral reefs could make me forget the time. If it were not for that I use gogle non-condensing, it seems I was reluctant to rise above the ship.

Fortunately one of us to bring toothpaste, to dab on my snorkel, and I could go back into the water to see the beauty Riung. Small-sized fish with a variety of colors, seen playing on the coral reefs. Several times I also saw anemones, sea anemones and blue stars attached to the reef. Want to longer dive, but our time is limited. So we immediately went back to our last stop, the Island Rutong.

Coast with the sparkling white sand, and no one else but us, here's what I've been waiting on this trip. Toska colored sea, and there are starfish exposed along the coast, makes me not stand up to roam this island to the mound of sand and a few seagulls flying when I approached them. Two hours here feels less to just soak and play around with the small fish that came right when I bring leftovers to close them.

Robinson Crusoe-style grilled fish

Our lunch was cooked right in the traditional way. By collecting dry wood from the potluck, we made a pile that will be a place for grilling fish. Without any seasoning, cleaned fish in the sea, and baked on a bonfire in the remains of coconut shells into charcoal. Quoting from my father's friends, we like being stranded on the island, like Robinson Crusoe. Lunch is freshly caught fresh fish, and roast it with a straight wooden sticks of capital without any seasoning.

While waiting for the fish mature, came two fishermen who bring their catch, and go burn in our artificial fireplace. Talked about many things, tell them a little if a fisherman, not necessarily all the time gets caught, and very dependent state of nature. But a little sad is, their catch is not considered too high, very much when I compare the price of fish in the town of Flores, especially in Jakarta.

Fishermen were also told, there are actually a lot of lobster in Riung. But the capture of lobsters is prohibited, and is often done by the police marine patrol on the garden tour. At least this is a good thing if properly carried out routine sea patrols there, to guard against the degradation of coral or excessive exploitation of the garden tour.

After a long soak with small fish and feel the skin start to burn, we back up the wooden ship, and returned to the dock. Does not feel the sky began to orange, and there are still hundreds of miles to go we had to take to pursue the ship crossing the next day to Sumbawa. While meyusuri way back toward the inn, had thought if we had not pressed for time, another night without electricity does not matter, still much beauty to see Riung 17 jamahi Island that we have not. (Get Lost in Indonesia / Hasna Afifah)

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