Saturday, September 17, 2011

India Gate, the Payers Visited Tourist - The number HI Roundabout Jakarta, Indonesia, monument displaying the "Welcome" is not far from the monument. Flicker of life in the daytime until the evening to make a monument with the figure of a pair of statues of male and female into a special icon that must be seen for the tourists after a figure of historic monument. Similarly, the case in India, in numbers the capital New Delhi center, a monument to "Welcome" stood firm like a monument

This monument is called India Gate, which means the gate of India. India Gate concept shown more emphasis on respect for the 9000 Indian warriors who gave their lives in World War I to World War II. This monument was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens in 1921 and inaugurated by HRH the Duke of Connaught in the same year. More than 13,368 names of soldiers who died during World War I to World War II buried in the walls which have nearly 42 meters high.

Not only the names of the fighters on display in this building, a fire bumbungan named Amar Jyoti Jhawan procession seemed to be a lasting tribute to the names of these fighters. This historic monument guarded by uniformed army fatigues and some special officers of the Indian police. Every morning before noon, the monument is filled with several companies of soldiers who conducted the ceremony a special tribute to this monument.

Is like the monument, the area is also overgrown with grass-green grass is very broad, flower gardens and fountains to the court-yard is empty, it appears to be the arena for the people hang out around New Delhi. Not to mention stretching the tourists who every day are always enliven the area, either daytime or nighttime.

Location that is not more than five miles from downtown or Connaught Place, making this region overrun the visitors, especially in the evening before the weekend. Do not be surprised if almost every night, the area is filled with vehicles parked around the monument. There was laughter, warm conversation, until the activity night snacks that are very popular in this region.

Ria like visitors are very diverse, some are playing football, even playing cards, or just lazing on the emerald Rajpath this by blowing soap bubbles are being sold by traders who are usually women and children.

The tourists are usually tempted to enjoy the art of the typical Indian woman's body art, such as Mahendi. The photographer imitation was also demonstrated his skills to take a unique angle of visitors who want to take pictures with this monument.

Visiting hours are more attractive to tourists in general, only during the day, but the amazing view of the lights that hit this monument as well as fire Jhawan Amar Jyoti continues to fly like the national flag at the monument was the main attraction for tourists who want to enjoy Delhi at night. (Zee)

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