Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Restored image of KAliurang Start

Sleman, KOMPAS.com - Efforts Provincial Tourism Office of Yogyakarta Special Region and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Sleman Regency as well as affiliates of the tourist area of ​​Kaliurang promote success elevated the image of the natural attractions of the Mount Merapi pascaerupsi 2010 .

"The efforts of a variety of arts and cultural activities as supporters of the profession Kaliurang since some time ago, so the results and recover image pascaerupsi Kaliurang Merapi," said head of the Documentation and Information Disbudpar Sleman regency, Wasita, Monday (20 / 6 / 2011).

According Wasita at school this time, the number of visitors in Kaliurang natural attractions are beginning to feel an improvement. "There are some groups of pupils from the school, both from Yogyakarta and surrounding areas and outside areas such as Central Java and Jakarta, where the basic agenda is as a tourist destination, but it is too much foreign tourists began to visit , "he said.

While the watchlist in Kaliurang attractions, a group of students using the buses more visible in the tourist area of cold air. "The news and the feeling that is felt all the time that Kaliurang Merapi severely damaged by the disaster is simply not true. Kaliurang not worry," said the tourists from SMA Negeri 58 Jakarta Agus.

The same is felt by tourists from China Shanghai Yu Feng Huang and Sun take package "draw" Merapi slope since early in the morning. "Track tours' trekking the slopes of Merapi, which was extremely challenging with a splendid panorama. Moreover panorama 'sunrise' is enjoyed in the hills Gumjuk Wetan Gandok Kaliurang create a memorable experience while visiting Ground," he said.

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