Friday, September 23, 2011

Raja Ampat islands, coral reefs and tropical fish

Raja Ampat, - Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan asked the regional chief of optimizing environmental conservation. Sustainable and attractive environment to attract domestic and foreign tourists to visit the local revenue.
The beauty of Raja Ampat Marine was much known abroad, and I've proved this with his own dive.
- Zulkifli Hasan

Zulkifli put this in a meeting with the Raja Ampat regency government ranks and Sorong, West Papua, Raja Ampat, Saturday (10/02/2010) night. Forestry Minister was accompanied by the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation Darori, Director-General Bambang Soepijanto Planning and Business Development Director of Forestry Iman Santoso around Papua and West Papua's forests and conservation review.

"The beauty of Raja Ampat Marine was much known abroad, and I've proved this with his own dive. Not that the area should not (with a change in the status area) to expand, but the government should pay attention to the environment and management as PAD, "said Minister of Forestry.

According to Minister of Forestry, the district government could extend the territory to be proposed by proposing changes to the status of forest conversion of existing production. However, Zulkifli confirmed that the conversion of the country as well planned as not to damage the environment.

The Ministry of Forestry is now promoting tourism investment nature preserve local government regulation No. 36/2010. Prior authorization natural attractions for years can now be picked up within three months.

Raja Ampat region has now become one of the destinations of foreign tourists who are interested in nautical tourism. Crystal clear waters, coral reefs, which became the spawning fish, ornamental fish and beautiful was the main attraction area.

"If beauty is damaged, the loss of his own people of Raja Ampat. As an outsider, they are now looking for new places to visit again," said Minister of Forestry.

Previously, Regent Marcus Raja Ampat Wanmar questions Menhut change the status of conservation forest areas to be used as farmland and residential areas. At least 80 percent of the 1 million acres of the Raja Ampat is a nature and conservation.

Raja Ampat regency status of the area complained that the building difficult. As the construction of public hospitals, most buildings are in the nature reserve.

Raja Ampat has a population of 50,000 inhabitants. The bulk of the work as fishing and ecotourism, which is developing the last seven years. Raja Ampat Regency who was born in 2003, a 429,462-hectare nature reserve.

According to Marcus, a change in the region is urgently needed because 80 percent of them are aquatic. Raja Ampat consists of four major islands, namely Salawati, Wajeo, LISOL and Batanta, with 640 small islands.

Contact in Jakarta, Indonesia Greenomics director Elfian Effendi said, Indonesia could environmental revenues from ecotourism at least $ 68.44 billion a year from the protected areas and protected forest area of ​​54.75 million hectares. This assumption is based on average earnings over the optimization of the international tourism income per hectare per year.

"Unfortunately, Indonesia is still unable to ecotourism revenue potential of this optimization. Revenue from ecotourism has yet to reach $ 6.8 billion today, 'said Elfian.

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