Thursday, September 22, 2011

One Night in Raja Ampat - Everybody would have felt less satisfied if only one night spent at the Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua. And it is true, if not the result of limited resources and employment survey missions, it feels like weeks living on these islands. Many people believe that the Raja Ampat is the most unreachable destination, and other extraordinary costs due will be paid is very high.
Who is not afraid, there see price list price of the resort around Rp 1.5 to 3 million Rp per night, per person. Not per room. For the most expensive resorts in the locally owned nothing about a $ 500,000 per night, per person. Fortunately, my dad a real knowledge of Raja Ampat, who currently resides at the beach Waiwo Waisai, one of the largest island in the southern region of Raja Ampat, Waigeo.
Homestay Mr. Ahmad
Mr. Ahmad's name, chose to remain on the beach since he retired his job at the oil companies. With family and grandchildren, he lives as a coastal people. Depending on the catching and selling fish Paisai, Waigeo main town on the island. With a fairly modest house, he was so open to receive guests staying in his house.
He told me some time ago, there was also foreign tourists from Norway and India, which stay in place for 3 weeks. In addition, residential area is quite shady and spacious, are often used for overnight guests to use a tent, or just sleep-Saung Saung around his house. As a result, costs should I spend more on gasoline to ship to the Raja Ampat Islands and surrounding islands.
Waiwo beach on the island of Waigeo seems ideal for those who only had a few days to play the Raja Ampat, with average capital. A little extra info, this time in the area of ​​the father of Ahmad's house, there were speeches, various small homestay that will be rented to guests are built. Certainly the price of the homestay, it would be very far below the price of lodging that there has been, and with facilities sufficient for the expected desire of many travelers on a budget in Indonesia is currently interested in the beauty of Raja Ampat requirements.
If you want to Raja Ampat, we can use the public boat from Sorong to Waisai fourteen departs hourly, travel about 2-3 hours. Rates of this ship when nobody is around Rp 120,000 return. Arriving in Waisai, we may wonder Nyong, son of Mr. Ahmad, to pick us up at the port to small boats to use their house.
-Other hotels in Raja Ampat
A little research by visiting various hotels on the island (I was three specialties, which were to go there), I was curious about what the original form of lodgings that cost millions. There are two hotels owned by Dutch people who occupy an island with a beautiful landscape.
As I suggest, the price is not lying. He seems to have a survey with a very good, so they can find the cluster of coral beach with a very smooth. From the inn, visitors can also reflect a small island at the front, associated with white sand and blue sea Toska to their dock.
In addition to the inn, I also visited the inn that had been managed as a research center. But transferred to commercial accommodation. Located adjacent to where I live, this inn has a different concept of a resort on the island of Kri, owned by foreigners. This inn has several buildings above ground, covered with trees, hedges and buildings that looked solid. Unlike the concept of the resorts on the island of Kri above the water, use of wood as the home of a local resident.
Ties of the fish pier
What can I do to Raja Ampat in just one night, enough to give the impression that I must return again to this place to give. In the afternoon, after clearing the goods, we were invited around a bit in front of the bay kabui, see the settlements and the usual pier sapokrem villagers use for fishing. Not the usual dock, residents can be said that "keeping the fish" around the dock. There are so many fish lurking below.
Viewed from above the water, visible colors such as black moss clustered under the pier. When I was snorkeling (out of curiosity, of course) tried, it is true that black gangs is the fish of different sizes, swimming with rhythmic movement and direction, amount to very much.
I imagine, if only those people they catch with nets, to hundreds of fish that stand out. But they seem to really prefer fishing with an environmentally friendly way. That is by not using the nets, so that only a small number of fish is not as trawling that catches all kinds of marine animals.
Fish for dinner only
Later in the afternoon, while waiting for the sunset, my sister and I chose Nyong boat to sea for a little snorkeling and fishing our dinner. a little boat from the coast, we have achieved snorkeling. Very nice, and very clear water, so that from above the sea, though colorful fish seem to roam.
Then we went fishing with only capital in the form of a nylon rope and bait fish meat cut into pieces. No need to wait a long time, so that the rope is immersed in water, just fish were seized. Like the tree selective logging system, was used Nyong system seems fastidious fish are lured there to preserve the living beings. This type of ornamental fish or fish that are still small in size, he will return to the sea.
The sun began to sink, eventually we went back to the coast. Get ready for a bath in the afternoon, apparently the father of the bathroom in the house of Ahmad's semi-open and free eco-friendly. In a sense, there is no roof and the water to draw on his own to be used in moderation.
Raja Ampat Non-Diver is still paradise
I want a little advice for those who want to give Raja Ampat. For those who are able to dive especially with the advanced level, this is certainly a paradise for you. Heard from my friend who has been diving in Raja Ampat, one week was not enough for the number of dives in the area to sample.
So choose a resort that offers diving facilities or with a guide who is experienced and know where the location of the desired point dive. But if you want to go there for a bargain, would have come to the homestay, homestay as those of Mr Ahmad, and use the services of only dive resorts that already has facilities for divers.
For those who have been unable to dive (including me), not true if we can not enjoy the trip in Raja Ampat (as I had thought that if the loss of Raja Ampat diving, but could not ). Many of the unique landscapes that can only be viewed on the archipelago. Kabui bay, which seems a maze, with walls that exotic reefs and islands Wayag with lots of white sand and blue sea that is an important icon of the Raja Ampat, only a fraction of the beauty we can see without diving into the sea go.
If we're in the sea, such as snorkeling, from what I experienced them, the beauty beneath the sea has to offer is very nice and more beautiful than the other places that are a common target for the tourists.
So, that is to say a trip to Raja Ampat we need to stay up to tens of millions. Included in the cost of the flight to Sorong (approximately U.S. $ 2.5 to 3 million round-trip), would actually be a fund of Rp 8.6 million for a trip to Raja Ampat for one week. Of course, with a comment prepared to share the boat with a minimum of 7 persons to travel in Raja Ampat islands, and stay at the homestay, homestay or residential are.
No more than the price of U.S. $ 6-8 million on holiday in Raja Ampat on holiday abroad. The experience will be much different and it makes us addicted to going back there again, or to explore other places in Indonesia.
We also help income for the locals. The international tourists were lining up to come along Raja Ampat. Hence, we have demonstrated that the nature and Indonesia sambangi a mandatory destination for those who love well-known adventurer and traveler. (Hasna Afifah)

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