Friday, September 30, 2011

So Sawahlunto City Tours

Sawahlunto, - Community Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, thronged Setiga Park on Friday (10/06/2011). They seem eager to participants Pacipic (TDS) 2011 welcome. Residents were busy with pictures of the riders, especially Zarfari Amir, who won stage 5 TDS 2011.Travelers are more. People learned to know Sawahlunto Day Festival.- Maulana Yusran
"The people here are very good. They were so welcoming us. The landscape is just stunning. I think the word 'Sawahlunto' on there," said Amir, pointing to the writing of large 'Sawahlunto' on the hill.
In phase 5, another biker in the Iranian master stage. They won the first position to Stage 5 Payakumbuh - Sawahlunto along the 79 kilometers. Rahim Emami get second position and Golakhour Pourseyedi champion in third place.
In line with the stated Amir, Jang Jae Chan of Terengganu Pro Cycling Team Asia, Malaysia, was amazed by the people Sawahlunto. In stage 5, he was again the fastest sprinter.
"People like road bike Indonesia ya? There are many people who welcomed us. I am quite happy. At the finish point, completely full. To be on the road," he said.
Tonight, all attendees, participants, athletes, the committee will continue until Sawahlunto. Although only one star hotels (which will be a three star class), which just opened. Most of the parties will stay at the hotel and homestay jasmine.
"It's still not qualified, but our city was chosen as a place to stay. Their Day Festival, there are only four cities diinapi" said Mayor Sawahlunto, Amran Nur.
Something similar is expressed PHRI chairman of West Sumatra, Maulana Yusran. "It is not enough. But we the enthusiasm of the community and local government Sawahlunto appreciate. They facilitate all hostels. Even a five-star hotel was built with public money. One of the triggers is that Day Festival," he said.
Amran said the TDS have an impact on improving the development of tourism and tourist visits. "Tourists started with a lot more. People got to know Sawahlunto Day Festival," he said.
Because the Phase 5 is the endpoint Triangle Park, Sawahlunto. During the Dutch colonial period, Sawahlunto known as a coal mining town. This town was advertised as a ghost town because the decline in coal production. Then, by the local government, Sawahlunto was converted into a tourist town. Some remnants of the coal mine "transformed" into a tourist attraction.
Meanwhile, starting in Stage 5 Beautiful Cave, Payakumbuh. Beautiful Grotto is a mainstay attractions Payakumbuh. Payakumbuh panorama of the city from the height of the main attraction of tourists visit the beautiful cave.
Khadija According to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Payakumbuh, could one day visit to 100 people.
To see the sights Payakumbuh, visitors must hike to the summit so far about 400 meters. Another option is to use a tandem bike for free. In the cave there is a beautiful cave with stones form of people or objects. Additionally, also known as the Cave Nice paragliding sites.
TDS takes 6 to 12 June 2011, which combines sport and tourism. TDS 2011 to seven stage race with a total distance of 739.3 km. Routes that passed is full of unique attractions of each region. There are cultural and culinary West Sumatra to know the participants TDS.
Municipalities and cities involved, among others, the city government of Padang, Pariaman city, Padang Pariaman district, Agam district town of Bukittinggi, Sawahlunto, Solok, Solok City, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Tanah Datar District, and District Fifty Cities.
This event has become the official agenda of the annual World Cycling Organization (Union Cycliste International) in collaboration with the Executive Board of the Institute for Sport Bike Indonesia (OJ ISSI), local authorities and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

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