Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tracing the trail of King Ashoka Heritage - Dawn had not yet dawned, still drizzle of rain, but we decided to immediately start the journey today's agenda towards Shanci, still within the area of ​​Madhya Pradesh. Again we are interested in the heritage sites of the past that are still firmly planted on the ground Shanci. Today our route is a bit varied.

From the information we can, Shanci has no railway station in his district. Nearest railway line towards Shanci in the city of Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Furthermore we still have to find a local bus that led to the district.

An innkeeper kind enough to call us or autoricksaw wheeler. The fog was thick when we started leaving the village this wet. Long enough journey to Jhansi, was appropriate for the price of 150 Rupees. But not until an hour we arrived at the station who did appear larger, many are actively operating platforms, railway carriages seem to queue to get a sign the journey from machinist.

We rushed in line at the ticket counter. Because the schedule train to Bhopal stay 40 minutes longer, at 07.30 am with a special Express train Kurshinagar class seating and a definite non-AC. Affairs of tickets is complete, we stopped at the cafeteria for breakfast all to charge batteries and HP laptop that was dying. But really unlucky owner of a canteen father reprimanding us for not sleeping and using electricity facilities around the canteen area.

Unfortunately, not how long we left the cafeteria, the head of the train gave an announcement that the train has been delayed for the purpose of Jhansi undetermined time. To kill time we purposely drive around the station area, a trader magazines our TTS offers a la India and Indian Railway Atlas.

At first we wanted to buy the TTS, but after watching it was full of writing Hindi, we laughed and took the bills to pay Rupees Indian Railway Atlas course, worth 60 Rupees. Not satisfied, we even snacks at the stall edge of the platform. Only then at 09.30 we headed for a platform for the announcement stating our train arrived within 15 minutes.

This day is very tiring after a full-time for 5 hours without sitting overcrowded, we finally arrived at the Bhopal railway station. You can imagine the cabin could contain nearly 30 people. The courtyard was crowded trains could not move. Even when we decided to go down alone, just the train about to depart, we were completely unable to move. We were forced to continue the journey alone.

The train was packed with people and even some pet chickens they look cool in gembolan they carry. It was still plagued by the merchants and the singers are still trying to find loopholes to make a living by offering his wares and his voice a discordant frivolous. This is more pathetic than a local-style trains in Greater Jakarta Indonesia familiar with the discordant voices of the merchants and the action of the pickpocket.

We had stopped at a roadside restaurant opposite Kings train station for lunch. Although cleanliness is less convincing, but the food was pretty tasty flavor, something like the flavor of Padang cuisine. Some people we spoke to advised us to go across to the base station for a bus bound Shanci. No waste of time because it was late afternoon, we rushed to find a bus terlatak base behind the station.

Hot and tired plus another 3 km walk was uphill battle, luckily the bus route Shanci easily obtainable goal. We just need to plug the ears to hear all brokers offer a service or kenek each bus route. Moreover, our status as tourists, as usual do not have to look for anything they soon surrounded us offer the services of its trajectory.

Nearly three-hour journey from Bhopal has brought us arrived in the district Shanci when it was getting dark. But it still seems busy district with which divides the trading activity around the market a bus stop. This time we were greeted not by the taxi drivers or rickshaw, invasive animals that fly seliweran night made us rush to locate named Jaisalwal lodging deals, he said only 2 km away.

The darker, the animals were more and more flying, crashing into our faces worn because dust and oil. At a gate of the hotel in question, a child is welcomed us and invited us upstairs, where the rooms and the lobby is available. Huff, along the stairs, small animals were clustered into a single unit that makes hair-raising chills frivolous. The smell starts a typical sting, especially if we are standing and dead. Animals are often called Walang sangit is increasingly spreading odor striking nose.

Fortunately given room appear clean and spacious. Apparently this inn also provides dormitory rooms for 50 Rupees per person. The majority of dormitory room filled with local tourist India. Instead of convenience and security, we chose price of 200 Rupees for a private double room, with two additional single beds and hot showers.

Bored in the room, we decided to get out breathe the air around. Walk several hundred yards about to search for restaurants or food stalls, we even stray people in a market that has begun to clean up closed-lapaknya shanties. Interested in a fairly large store that seems actively selling local beer, we stopped to drink a beer while talking about the next day's route and observe the situation around that looks increasingly dark. Finally we ended the night with sleep ... (Continued / Zee) - memapahkan sun rays on the sidelines of the window that started brightly. We look at the watch was still 06.30 in the morning. But the atmosphere out there appeared to be bustling with activity seen inn guests will leave the district.

We rushed a shower and start sightseeing throughout the district. Since only one spot that appeals to us, then according to plan, we will immediately leave Shanci past noon when checking out.

Already at 07.30, we hurried down the road to the complex heritage site of King Ashoka who according to the map not far from the inn. We still have a winding road climbs up on the hill for a magnificent save the site.

Shanci known as the oldest stone structure in the history of Buddhism in India. This site was first discovered in the kingdom of Ashoka, but sacred buildings known to the majority of the rock material has been around since the days of 5 BC. Not just a flashy largest stupa in this hilly region, there are also temples, chaitya, as well as living in a monastery complex in the hills.

There are four gates to get into this area. But the usual main road traversed by the visitors is the south gate, which supposedly is also the oldest gate along the development of the four gates.

Its location right on the hill makes this area beautiful and the atmosphere spread peace. There are five large stupa, dozens of columns and temples, to monasteries. Areas that provide special discounts for the foreign tourists who come from Buddhist and Hindu state also has a museum of archeology. Museum is filled with a collection of sculpture from the time of King Ashoka.

Actually we could just get a discount, considering the type of our faces that is somewhat oriental Asia's majority Hindus and Buddhists. But we choose to obey the rules for 250 rupees per person.

Among the street entrance and ticket booth, there is a kind of hostel or guest house specially for members of the Hindu-Buddhist community ties in Southeast Asia. Peacefull with four floors are open to small domes of Hindu-Buddhist architecture.

Satisfied with this Peacefull area, we returned to the inn. By noon we packed up and waiting for a bus that will take us back to Bhopal. According to information of people around, local buses are always passed every half hour. Luckily not long we wait, the bus came slowly with a cost of 25 rupees per person. Two hours later we arrived at the bus station in Bhopal.

According to the plan, we will come back from Bhopal to New Delhi by train. Tickets that we can to this day leave at 20:30 at night, with the Delhi Express trains for 295 rupees per person. All day we are just going back and forth from restaurant to restaurant for lunch and dinner, before finally we mean the train slowly leaving downtown this Madya Pradesh. (Completed / Zee)

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