Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Taj Mahal Close On Friday - The morning sun was beautiful-beautiful at 8:20 o'clock in the morning. The train we rode was moving more quickly to take us an hour earlier arrived at Agra Cantt Station. As usual, we were greeted noisily by the bajaj driver who seems keen to offer his services. While enjoying the warm sun, we were busy doing deals to the cheapest point, a driver with jet, dark-eyed kindly helped us put our backpack into the backseat, of course, after agreeing a price of 55 rupees, towards Ganj Agra, where a row accommodations have been waiting for our arrival.

Chain business in India appears very rapidly growing, almost every three-wheeler driver who we met always offer a line of cards ranging from luxury hotels to budget. So also did this three-wheeler driver, with some explanation of its location and the area he was trying to take us to some hotel recommendations. Initially the hotel for 800 to 1,200 rupees offered to us, supposedly because he considered us rich tourists from Japan.

Well, that Japan as a distinguished "Tourists generous hearts of the world", many assumptions status of Japanese tourists always had a much greater capital for day trips. No wonder, with our faces too oriental, every time we travel to any country always gets the first title of "Japanese" before we finally misuh-misuh and told us "Indonesian".

Behind the title of this trip is "Berbackpacking" of course we chose to stay at the simplest level of accommodation during the trip. Capitalized, a travel book of the top, we chose SAH Ganj Agra Hotels in the area. Still with a friendly smile the driver drove us to the hotel lobby. The silence is still attached inside the hotel, reasonable, because generally all the action in this country in starting at 10 or 11 before noon, even a standardized system of their working time in such a way.

Standardization of time on the move this country is well-founded, is said not because they feel like getting out in the morning, it was more because they use their time in the morning to start the day by performing religious rituals, so that their activity be blessed. Although in reality, not all cultures are true, many people are not religious practitioners use it to increase their sleep time, aka lazy.

Anyway, this hotel looks very "homey" style of ornament and architecture of the building warmer like home. There are several rooms with amenities according to grade and price, a dedicated room with air conditioning upstairs, okenya hotel "Homey" is equipped with internet cafe downstairs. Unfortunately when we arrived, room for 250 Rupees we mean is already full, only one room left for 200 rupees, not too obvious is the difference, we pay attention more to the cleanliness is certainly not worth the price of 250 rupees.

Forced, we accept, with the other provisions of the empty room to wait for the guests who check out this afternoon. Do not want to stay long in a room full of rust, we showered and headed for the restaurant located on the hotel rooftop, came exclusively from the way of placement. Obviously, a view of the Dome of the Taj Mahal amazed clearly lay in the eyelid through the restaurant with couches that already rickety. Noodlle Biryani taste that bland fried rice and it feels so pleasant in the company view of the Taj Mahal, we were so anxious to enter the grandeur.

Since our arrival right on Friday, and the Taj Mahal closed its doors to welcome the general "Jumatan". Our agenda today is only visiting the area around the busy Ganj Agra filled with cows, dogs and wild goats that roam everywhere. Moreover, the problem of electricity each day to be the "turn" at this hotel, made us can not do anything. Even to check our email to go to another internet cafe outside the hotel.

We were intrigued by the splendor of the Taj Mahal, instead we hope there are spaces to enter or spy activity "Jumatan" they are today, we immediately along the alleys along Agra Ganj, some gate we met, one small door in the west gate, which was the only entrance for the Muslims to perform Friday prayers at the mosque Taj. The burly man wearing a white skullcap appears noisy costumed in line at the door, black-veiled women look a lot out and away from the door. We try to observe the people around, before we finally realized we were the one who became the butt of their eye's attention.

We quickly crossed to the other gate, several souvenir shops are still open and visible kindly offered the craft with a typical "Marble Taj", ranging from miniatures up with charming engravings. We went down the road Ganj Agra, trying to find another gate which still appeared guarded closely by the uniformed police force, a clearly prohibits our guards get in when we try to pretend to be stupid not to know the rules On Friday the Taj Mahal.


Among the arid sun blanketed this city, we returned to the street to come home and find a Cafe Coffee Day near the south gate, cash only we stop and linger with the cold air conditioner in this Persian-style cafe. The afternoon before, we need to get back to the inn, while looking at cell phone shop pulse edges near the hotel. Mean heart stopped at the drugstore for a stomach problem since morning twisting, but it turns out these stores also provide other necessities, even to be able to recharge our Card Reliance USB modem to use the month ahead.

Towards dark we arrived, luckily "power failure" here is over, moreover, they have provided other more empty rooms clean and comfortable. Satisfied with some brownies and ice coffee in the cafe before, we decided not to dinner, and relax more quickly, waiting for tomorrow's agenda seems to be somewhat dense, around the city of Agra, one of India's golden triangle. (Zee)

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