Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Underwater Expedition in the world - The roar of the engine wooden boat finally stopped and the boat began to close. No sound, except the small waves that pounded the side of the boat and slowly. The birds flew from the tip of a small tree in one of the uninhabited islands and secluded.
Welcome to the Raja Ampat islands, this is your personal Disneyland to dive!

Raja Ampat, or "Four Kings" is the name given to these islands. A name is derived from a local myth. The four major islands, as intended Waigeo, Salawati, Batanta and Mysol, who is the producer of the ancient petroglyphs. Underwater tour enthusiasts from all over the world flocked here to enjoy best underwater scenery in the world is amazing.

Two days earlier, when an exciting time in Bali wrapped in sacred art, take a plane en route to New Guinea birds head. Moreover, be prepared for an unforgettable adventure.

Start your visit with a swim in the sea is the best. Discover the underwater world was vertical wall. Feel the power also dive, pounding when vacillating ocean currents. This will be an unforgettable personal experience in Raja Ampat are.

Regio Raja Ampat islands is very wide, 4.6 million hectares of land and sea. This is where the home to 540 species of coral, 1511 species of fish, mollusks and 700 species.

The richness of the biota have made Raja Ampat as a living library of the collection of coral reefs and marine life of the world's most diverse. In fact, according to a report in The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, there are about 75 percent of marine species live in the world in this amazing island.

"I am like a child five years old the first time seeing the coral reefs, fascinated by the charm of this richest reef. With all the resources out there, we have the beauty of Raja Ampat to retain the last place" , said as quoted by Michael Aw

When you arrive at the Raja Ampat is the tension can already be felt. Suddenly there was once a man who had come to this place to praise the name of God because of his eye and lured her incredible nature.

If you can not find it, then stunned silence was evidence someone had a speck of the sky that fell on the crystal clear sea and the waves gently sweeping white sand caught.

 "This is good!" Said a friendly local guide from a travel agency in Raja Ampat.

Words beginning means that a visitor has arrived at one of the best diving in the world. If not a tourist guide, local guide is an ordinary fisherman.

Fishermen are used to outsiders who visit. They are very friendly, especially if given or chewing betel nut, the one thing that you should try. This method is known, namely by providing candy that is regarded as a form of politeness and a smile to enable the fishermen.

Fishermen in Raja Ampat usually eat snacks when conversing (para nut). They would exchange jokes, chewing betel nut. In many ways, including the similarity of nature, culture and history, fishing communities in Raja Ampat has similarities to the Moluccas.

"I love people, I love penyelamannya, unbelievable! Only this time I dive for the second time in the same place, and I thought third time and then return," said Peter van Dalen in .

Raja Ampat landscape in a dream, but this is not an illusion. When you dive into the underwater dive record with the details of sea creatures to greet. It could be dwarf sea horses approaching your fingers as if to shake hands welcome. MantaRay wobbegong and will swim with you.

Tuna, giant trevaliies, snapper, barracuda and even helped to welcome you at the bottom of the sea. That's not enough, what if a new friend who is friendly dugong fish will swim with you. Do not miss too busy watching the fish back and forth to keep his territory. If you're lucky to be able to swim with sea turtles.

Natural beauty, as if totally untouched is the main attraction here. No need to sense the beauty of a blue sky or a fertile island, for what lies over the land and under the sea will tell you "Welcome to the Raja Ampat islands, this is your personal diving to Disneyland!". (Angke / HIM)

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